Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Initial Planning Ideas

In my music video I intend for there to be a romantic background story. The main character (boy) will be lusting after a girl that perhaps he used to be with but can no longer have her. I will be using the songs mood to help convey the mood of my character as the story progresses; getting angrier and more obsessed as the music gets harder, faster and louder. I will condition the audience to feel empathetic towards the main character and will him to succeed in his endeavours.

I will have a prelude to my music video introducing the character, setting the scene and getting the audiences attention before the music begins. These are all essential elements used in the creation of music videos.
There will be a significant turning point where the man has practically given up and then when the music suddenly he increases there will be an iconic eference as he opens his eyes angrily and realises he needs to be determined and try hard for this to work.
I think I will be ending my music video on a cliffhanger as he is offering her everything he's got and the music cuts out so will the video before her response. Although I may leave the audience with a glimmer of hope for the main character by perhaps getting her to show the faintest smile as the video fades out.

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