Thursday, 30 August 2012

Pitch for my ideas

My music video is 75% performance and 25% narrative. There will be many different elements to it as I want it to look like a real metal band. The video begins with a slow motion over exposed shot of a girl; the main female protagonist. This shot will introduces one of the main characters and the effects used will help to signify the reminiscent memories that the main male protagonist has of her. The narrative in the music video will show the good memories of the relationship that the male lead has and then the bad memories of the turning point when everything went wrong, showing the journey the took together. My storyline is linear and it will start with the good memories and end with an ambiguous image of a dead-end sign signifying that they’re relationship has run its course. I will vary my shots with close-ups to follow the codes and conventions of a music video, allowing the audience to get closer to the band and also medium to long shots to show the grouping of the band and also to signify the distance the characters now have from maintaining the course for a healthy relationship.

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