Thursday, 27 September 2012

Camera Settings Research

I asked my teacher to explain to me some various camera settings in order to have light behind my main actress obscuring most of her from shot.


Diary-2 27/09/12

Today I am thinking about how I can develop my research into the target audience for my music video. I feel that the audience is the most important element when creating a media product as they are the ones spending their hard earned money on it. In this case, with music, the audience can be very specific. I am going to create a questionaire, asking lots of different people within my target audience, what they like, who they like, where they go in their spare time and so on. I will also record their responses on camera so I can refer back to it whenever I need to. I feel this will give me more of an insight on how to effectively encode my music video in a way that will be successful with the target audience.


What I currently have in order to film my music video:

  • Cameras
  • Lighting equipment
  • Actor & Actress to star in my music video
  • Editing software
  • A warehouse to film in
  • Camera crew to film behind the scenes action
  • House to film around

Diary 27/09/12

I've been having even more problems with the school computers. As this is where I do most of the uploading side of my work, and organise it all on my blog, I expect that I should be able to access what I need to in order to do everything time efficiently and not waste my time faffing around trying to copy files to my computer.
I've had to resort to using something called Kies Air. It's a program on my phone that connects to a computer or even another smartphone through wi-fi connection. You simply copy a URL address which the phone tells you and it connects to your phone allowing you to access all information from E-mail adresses to pictures and videos. It's helped me greatly however it's very slow and time consuming to set it all up.

Costume 1: Shoes

I was looking for shoes yesterday for the main character in my music video and I've already bought these shoes as they are perfect.

I looked at a couple of others too but I didn't feel they quite fitted the style of character I'm going for in my music video.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Diary 26/09/12

I just got home from shopping in Central London where I was looking for 2 things.
One; possible locations or landmarks to use to signify different things in my music video.
and Two; Any possible props or costume to use in my music video.
I stumbled across a perfect pair of shoes for my genre of music video; heavy metal.
I bought them as they were not very expensive and they are just what I need.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Diary 25/09/2012

Today I took a video of a possible location that I wanted to use in my school to accurately show a camera movement that I envisioned while on location.
However, I've found that Blogger does not allow people to upload videos via mobile, only pictures.
This is very frustrating as I will have to wait until I get home to upload the rest of my Location search.

Possible location shooting 4

This is the last of the locations i shot around school today and i like it because its a wide open area of concrete. Should I set up a backdrop it could be the main recording location for the majority of my music video.

Possible location shooting 3: Alleyway

I need dark alleyways in my music video and this one; just outside my school, is one of the contenders.

Possible location shooting 2

In these shots i like the plain blue background but its corregated which adds texture.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Possible location shooting 1

I wanted to try and see if there were any possible locations around school that were feesable to use in my music video. I am happy with a few of them as they convey the necessary 'dark, dank and creepy' feel in the shot.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Planning for Digipak

These are a few of the preliminary pictures that helped toward the creation of my final digipak cover. They show the planning and progression of my thoughts that I had about the digipak.

Diary 20/09/12

I have discovered today that due to a bad internet connection at my school various differtent blog posts have been corrupted and subsequently I have lost the work that I had done.
These include:

Diary 02/07/12

I am trying my best to locate them however I will have to do a more thorough search when I am at home as the schools' computers do not allow students to use the Microsoft 'Search' feature.

Mood Board

I made a quick mood board to help me invision the kind of images and colours I want to be most dominant in my music video. However I still have not decided wether to film these colours or to add a filter to certain scenes when editing afterwards.

Mood Board - Colour Connotations

Sony Music Request Form

I wrote an E-Mail to Sony Music who represent Bullet for My Valentine.
This is merely a courtesy E-Mail as the school have a license that allows the media students to use any song we desire for our coursework.

Recording Sound

Recording detailed high quality sound is key for success in my music video. In order to make sure I understand fully the best ways to pull this off I have done some research into what I need to do while filming with the DSLR camera in order to get the best sound quality possible. Below is a video I have found that really helps with this.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Codes and Conventions of a Music Video

Codes and Conventions of a Music Video

History Of Music Video

History of Music Video

Crew Selection

In order to get decent shots, good angles and a clear sound in my short film I have enlisted the help of two of my peers to help me out and work as crew for my music video. having the both of filming at once will enable me to get a wide variety of shots and angles. Also It also allows me to film behind the scenes of the short film which helps me to easily demonstrate its production effectively. The two people I have selected to be in my crew are Matt Thomas (left) and Corey Mason-Seifet (right)

Electronic Signature

Today I needed to put my signature on a form but instead of printing it off and scanning it back in to the computer I decided to write it on plain paper and scan it in to Photoshop. I cropped it out so that I can now input it on to every form that I need and can print off many copies and even still edit the text if needs be without having to re-print and then re-scan again.

Diary 18/09/12

This week our teacher showed us all the tasks that must be completed by the end of September and I realised that whereas I am ahead of most of my class, I still have a lot of work to catch up on. Therefore I have decided that I am stepping it up a gear and working as hard as I can to complete it in the next 10 days or so.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Diary 13/09/12

This week I have worked hard to ensure that I am on schedule with all my coursework because I aim to start filming very soon.
I have made a definite decision to stay with the original version of the song rather than the acoustic as I feel it's a more emotive song expressing anger but at the same time feelings of undying love.

Running order/Timing sheet

This is a timing sheet of the running order that I created telling me what happens during the song (left) and the exact time it happens (right)
This will help me majorly in the filming and editing of my music video as I will have an understanding of how long each segment will need to be.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Audience Research

1.       My key demographic would be a young generation generally in the C2DE group of the NRS social grade. They would generally be ‘metal-heads’ who constantly listen to music while travelling to work or gigs on public transport or in their cheap cars which serve no purpose other than transport. The target audience will particularly enjoy Heavy Metal that is not over the top with screaming but with good quality Metal and singing as well as impressive guitar and drum solos.
2.       Metal heads are usually spotted by their looks. Usually denim jeans (Blue or black), band shirts, long hair/shaved hair, etc. The metal heads truly are the stupidest group of people to pick a fight with, we may be the quiet type, but metal heads could easily wipe out multiple kids, and have a short temper that goes along with that. The metal culture however has dropped quite a bit, seeing as how the "hip" thing is to listen to rap or other modern catchy songs.
3.       I questioned some people from the general public and also some people from outside a ‘Bullet For My Valentine’ concert. I found many interesting things including the fact that Black and Red are the most relatable colours to the heavy metal culture and that the body positioning and/or poses that the Band members make are the most important feature. The second most important was found to be their appearance, mostly clothing.